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Event round up: BRC Mercian Dressage & Showing

Written Beth Ingham - Mercian Team Manager

BDRC team spirit!

Wow 🤩 some brilliant results from our two Mercian Inter-Riding Club League teams competing at Frampton on Sunday 16th July!

✨ Team Dressage - 1st& 6th

✨ Team Showing - 3rd& 6th

✨ Emily Hicks - 1st Individual Dressage

✨ Jane Guest - 3rd Individual Dressage

✨ Pippa Balch 2nd Showing & Reserve Champion

✨ Georgina Worsley 1st Showing... Then went on to become Overall Champion Ridden Horse!

Georgina is a new BDRC member and hasn’t done any showing for years, so a huge well done!

Fab work ladies: thank you for representing the club so well. 😊

If you'd like to join in next time, please keep your eyes peeled on our Events page for more dates for your diary, and contact Beth.


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